Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Stats for the week (11th May)

ONE - Most of these in the course of one run, where we got hopelessly lost...
TWO - From me, whilst hopelessly lost, and in a forest. I thought we were going to have to make a camp and hold off the wolves all night.
THREE - Here are the extra 3 miles we accidentally ran, round and round in a lovely nature reserve at sunset. We were setting off on a 13 mile run from a friends house, our of town, having spent the afternoon eating and sunbathing; correct warm-up for a long run? Then we waved everyone off on the tram back to town, slightly apprehensive, and realised my phone was also speeding away from me, in Ilary's bag. With it our maps. On the plus side we saw a deer as close as anything! He was lovely, and startled. On the negative side I have only just regained the use of my legs, and we didn't get any pictures, since phones now double up as all electronic gadgets.
FOUR - nothing new, but a happy tally!

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